Thursday, July 26, 2007
Here's the story. Yesterday afternoon we were heading down a scenic, but rather curvy and bumpy road, toward a camp site not too far down the road when all of a sudden Ernie said "#%&&$@!" There was smoke coming out from around the wheel well of the tires on the driver's side of the RV. We edged the big RV over to the edge of the narrow road and he got out and checked. Sure enough, it was the spring again, the spring that we had replaced in August by Tok, Alaska, and then replaced with a stronger one at the factory in November. We couldn't drive it. This time however, we were in civilization, not 80 miles away from anyone, so we had hope that we'd get it fixed quickly. I walked ahead on the road just a bit and found a big driveway guarded by big iron gates, but the gates were open so we decided to pull in there. We got the RV off the road and through the gate, and started making phone calls. First we called Good Sam and explained everything, and they said they'd look for a repair place and call us back. They did, and told us they could find nothing, but we should call our dealer. We called back to our dealer in Minnesota and the gal there found a few suggestions, but they were in New Brunswick, hundreds of miles from here. It didn't look like an immediate fix, so Ernie walked up to the very nice house on the hill and asked the woman there if we could park there until we could get it fixed. She said of course we could. Then Ernie got some numbers of places around here and started calling them. Each place said they couldn't do it, but call so and so who they were certain would fix it. Finally, a man said they could come out in the morning. Ernie walked back to talk to the kind woman and she said we could park there for the night, so our friends went on to the closest campground with their rig and we crawled into our RV.
Morning came and we waited in vain for the phone call saying the truck was on the way to repair it. Finally Ernie decided to call them to see what was going on......the cell phones wouldn't work! We kept getting a message to include a 1 or a 0 in the number, but when we did that, it told us to include a 1 or a 0 in the number. Over and over again, the same message. So he walked back to the nice woman and asked to use her phone. Guess what? The day manager of this truck parts place said that there was no way they could come out and fix it! Ernie told him that he had talked to someone last night that said they would be out this morning. Well, it seems that the night manager is new..........guess he didn't know what he was talking about. Anyhow, he suggested that Ernie put a block of wood between the frame and the spring and limp along into Dartmouth to get it fixed. So we jacked the rig way up and he crawled under and beat a piece of wood into the space. It seemed to hold it up enough so we lowered the jacks and took off on our 40 mile trip into Dartmouth. Ernie drove. I prayed.
We made it into town and found the place where they fix trucks so I figure they can fix our RV. They didn't have the right size spring on hand, but they will make one the right size; that's what they do, make springs. So, we had to find a place for the night. We found a semi-reasonable motel not too far from the truck place and booked a room. We were supposed to have internet in our room, but guess what. That doesn't work either, and the No Smoking room must have just been designated as such because it reeks! And the supper at the restaurant included onion rings and fries, both fried in the same oil as they use for the shrimp and clams and other shell fish, which I am allergic to!
We tried to call our friends to tell them we should be back on the road tomorrow and that we'll meet them at Peggy's Cove, but our phones still don't work. I emailed Kari to ask her to check with my buddy RJ at my phone place, and I left her a message on her blog to ask her to check her email. Hopefully she'll check someplace tonight and get the message.
But as I said last year, it could have been worse. We didn't damage the RV, didn't have an accident, nobody was hurt, and we are safe and sound in a smelly motel room. No, actually, I'm sitting in the smelly lounge because the wireless works here. And, I am looking forward to tomorrow when I finally get to go to Peggy's Cove, a place I'm heard about for years. And you can bet I'll post pictures the first chance I get! So life isn't all bad! Except that it was 98 degrees today!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
I'm missing my home town church today. We haven't even seen a Lutheran Church up here, much less attended one. For a PK who grew up in church every single Sunday, rain or shine, snow or 100% humidity, and who has been an active member of our church wherever we lived, this is unquestionally very hard for me. We have our Bibles and devotion books, but it's not the same as worshiping with others who believe the same as we do, and I miss the fellowship of the friends that I have seen in church every Sunday for the last 25 years. And then to receive an email from my sister who told me that our new assistant pastor, Pastor Brooks, had an excellent sermon today, made me more lonesome than ever for our church. So when we ran to the store for a couple of items, I had Ernie drive by this beautiful church so I could take a picture of it. It's a beautiful white with vivid red trim. The color doesn't snow properly on this picture, but it is a lovely church, set up on a little hill, with it's stately square topped spires reaching up into the bright blue sky.
The little ship below was a beauty. The pictures are a bit dark, but the wood on this vessel was a beautiful golden color, and all was tidy and shipshape. I would not like to be the fellow up on the rigging making repairs!
Friday, July 20, 2007
So this morning we got on this ferry, the Joseph and Clara Smallwood, and sailed off into the fog to Nova Scotia.
The views on the other side of the hill weren't bad either! Isn't this just awesome? The sun was so bright and the sky and water so blue, and the grass so most of New Foundland. Linda had commented that she had never thought of New Foundland as a destination. We hadn't either. We heard so much about Nova Scotia, and knew we wanted to go there, and then decided we might as well go up to NF as long as we were in this part of the country. Then our friends, Mark and Becky, told us about their trip and encouraged us to go for it. We are so glad we did. This is one of the most beautiful spots we've ever been. But back to the hike.
At the end of the trail, back where we started, I found this absolutely enchanting spot for a photo, don't you think?
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
This is a replica of the sod houses the Vikings built at this site and one of the inside rooms.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
On Tuesday night we camped in another little village right on the shore of the St. Lawrence Gulf, which by now is really just the Atlantic on the way north part of New Foundland. About dusk, after we had eaten an all American meal of burgers, pasta salad, and baked beans, we set off moose hunting. We didn't manage to bag one, but we did find some incredible plants at the moose viewing spot. I have no clue what they are called, but I thought them so unusual. The ground, which I would call tundra I guess, was covered with a spongy mossy carpet of various shades of green, red, and kind of a purple burgundy.
I tried not to step on any of the little beauties as I crept up to snap these pictures.
These iris grow with wild abandon along the highway. We had iris along the porch on our house when I was a kid, and I really love them. Their simple perfection and deep coloring make them one of my very favorite flowers.
Here Ernie is waiting for his ship to come in! Actually, he is bound and determined to be the first one to spot a whale, so he needs to scan the ocean at every opportunity.
And finally there it was! The little village of Quirpon, sitting on the very edge of the north land. Ernie said I was as excited as a little kid finding candy as I oohed and awed and exclaimed over every sight as we rounded each corner or crested each hill. And this land is true eye candy. It is so beautiful! I love the simplicity of the little homes, the freshness of the air, the picturesque hill villages, and the mighty powerful ocean.