Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
THINGS THAT HAVE SURPRISED ME: The amount of pine and oak trees....guess I thought Minnesota had most of those! The number of churches, number of Irish, bear in Florida, huge earthquake fault and rice plantations!
THINGS I DON'T CARE FOR: Heat, humidity, smells, payday loan places, pawn shops, and highway 95!
THINGS I'M DISAPPOINTED BY: The amount of garbage along the roads, poor condition of secondary highways, huge disparity between rich and poor
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Poppy alongside the road. I made hubby stop so I could take pictures!
I need to organize some of the pictures from Savannah and will post them as soon as I do so. We will go on a walking tour in Charleston tomorrow, so will have many more pictures to share with youl.
Since our tour of Saint Augustine we have been to Kennedy Space Center, Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base, Jekyll Island, Hunter Army Airfield and Savannah, Georgia. We are now in Charleston, South Carolina. I want to post some pictures of some of those visits, starting with Jekyll Island.
Jekyll Island was the original playground of the rich and famous. In the late 1800's, a group of wealthy businessmen formed the Jekyll Island Club as a winter retreat for America's most elite families. The club rolls included such names as Morgan, Astor, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Pulitzer, and others. On this small barrier island off the coast of southern Georgia, they built what they called "cottages" around a large Queen Anne style clubhouse. The men wanted a secluded place of isolation to hunt, fish and relax, and the women could carry on with their teas and such with others of their status. This famed Jekyll Island club featured stained glass, indoor plumbing, phone service, hardwood floors, and gas lighting at a time when very few people enjoyed such luxury. The first condo in the USA was built here in 1896 and featured 6 apartments to be sold.
This is the original small island church, and I believe is the one where John Kennedy Jr. was married.
This is the Jekyll Island Clubhouse, now transformed into a hotel. The club property boasted indoor tennis courts, the first in the nation. This is the view of the club as seen from the William Rockefeller 14,000 square foot cottage. John Rockefeller had put his name on the list as a partner to begin with, but when he saw his brother's name on the list, John decided to take his name off the list. Why pay for a membership when he could visit his brother and partake of everything for free!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
This is one of the narrow streets with our red train squeezing down the middle. We toured a church built by Henry M. Flagler in one year. It was very beautiful, inside and out.
OOPS! End of our time here at the library. I will continue tomorrow with pictures of the unforgetable Flagler College. You won't believe it!
Friday, March 09, 2007
We are leaving here tomorrow, so we took one last walk on the beach. There were no shells where a few days ago there were thousands! We walked on perfectly clean white sand, no shells in sight. We saw one large (13-14 inches) jelly, and one tiny (3 inches) see-through fish, and a beautiful blue gulf. I will miss the beach but am excited to get on with our adventure. I will try to write tomorrow to let you know where we are. Stay tuned!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Monday, March 05, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Friday, March 02, 2007
I know my family and friends up north are going through terrible conditions in the form of a major winter blizzard. I envy them. You can forecast snow storms better than tornadoes. You may have a lot of snow to shovel, and sometimes power does go out, but if you stay inside you are pretty safe from death. Not so with tornadoes. They come charging out of the clouds and cause horrible death and destruction, sometimes in the tornado watch area, sometimes not. You can be alert, listening to the weather reports, and the tornado can sneak out of the sky and attack you in a matter of seconds. You can't predict with much certainty what they will do. You just can't trust them.
Thank you Heavenly Father for sparing this area from the awful storms. Comfort those who are grieving the loss of family, friends, and property, and use this event to bring them closer to You. Be with my family and friends back home and keep them safe and warm during the storms there. I also ask You to be with the college students who headed out into the stormy winter weather today for their spring break. Keep them safe and bring them safely back to school. In His Name. Amen.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
My Florida crud is much better today, probably because I slept last night for the first time in five nights. It's a wonder what sleep can do for you....and what the lack of sleep can do to you. Last night I wanted my mommy, I felt so bad. I remember when I was young and she would put her soft cool hand on my forehead and cheeks to test my temperature or to comfort me. My mom's touch would instantly make me feel better. When we had a cough she would coat our chests with a thick layer of smelly stuff and cover it with a soft camel colored piece of cloth to keep us warm and to protect our jammies from the greasy stuff. The stuff stunk, but it worked. It was kind of a menthol smell, but different than the stuff that comes in the little blue jars now days. Last night I sat in the recliner, wrapped in my soft moose blanket from Katie, and sucked cough drops and drank water to keep from coughing. It worked, probably because of the blanket, and my chest is much clearer today, and I'm not coughing. But for awhile there I felt like crying for my mommy.