Thursday, November 26, 2009


The turkey is in the oven.  The potatoes and sweet potatoes are in the fridge, cooked, mashed, and buttered up yesterday, ready to put in the oven to heat up a bit later.  Five pies line the counter and juices of many kinds are on ice in the cooler.  The table is set, with a tablecloth no less!  Other tables and seating are lined up, ready to take their place in the middle of the sewing/computer/office/guest room when the teen aged grandkids have filled their plates.  The bathroom received a disenfecting, floors are vacuumed, clothes are put away, and piles of papers have magically disappeared!  I am ready for Thanksgiving dinner!

But I am missing our two sons that we won't see today.  Chris and Amy in Alaska won't be here, but we will be thinking of them as we taste the smoked salmon he gave us and that I have been hiding since we came home from Alaska.  Thank you Chris!  We love you both and miss you so much.  We also won't be seeing Lenny and Connie, and the youngest of our fifteen grandkids, Samuel.  They are in North Dakota and not able to come today.  And Lenny's daughter, Courtney, will be spending the day with her mom and that side of the family.  We also won't be seeing the oldest of our grandkids as Kjirsten has to work.  She works at a nursing home, and will be bringing love and joy to her patients as she works with the elderly who are so often alone and forgotten on holidays.  And our grandson-in-law, Clayton, Katie's husband, also has to work.  He is one of those cell phone people who follow behind the user making sure their phone is working!  He's one of your people if you have that phone company!   Please be nice to him if you need his help today.  We will miss all of you and love you dearly.

And we have already seen one son and his family.  Kevin, Molly and Joe and Justin stopped by for a short visit while on their way to Molly's parents.  Her dad has had some health issues lately, so they are spending their day with him.  We are so glad they had the time to stop by for a quick update on their busy lives.  Son Kevin has a new job, Joe needs to take his ACT's and Justin is attending a new school this year, and Molly takes care of all her boys!  It's so much fun to listen to their hunting stories and the "activities" of the 14 and 16 year recent one involved putting a Christmas tree on the top of their house when their parents were gone.

Soon the others will arrive.  Kari and Mike, Katie, Aaron, Adam, Ben and Anna;  Gail, Jacob and Caleb; Chuck, Thea and Nicolas; Lance and Tya, Jaden and Madison, and my sister, Lois.   If I counted right, that makes twenty of us.  A bit crowded in a tiny apartment, but I can handle it if they can!

I am so thankful for my family; kids, grandkids, siblings and their kids and grandkids,  I am thankful that my parents brought me to church every Sunday and taught me to love the Lord from whom all our blessings come.  I am thankful that I live in a country where I can attend the church of my choice.  I am thankful we have a democracy, and men and women willing to protect us and to guarentee we keep our rights.  I am thankful for my husband, who was one of those troups for twenty years.  I am thankful for a home and many comforts foreign to the majority of the world.  I am thankful for my health.  I am thankful for the sobriety of my daughter.

I am most thankful for God's gift of His only Son, who died for me on the cross so that I may spend eternal life with Him in Heaven.

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!  Praise Him all creatures here below!
Praise Him above ye heavenly host!  Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  Amen.

Wishing my friends a happy and blessed Thanksgiving.  Please celebrate safely.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds as if all is ready and the plan probably went off without a hitch. I am so happy for you that so many are willing to still get together. You are such an example and of God's love and for that I am thankful for. I had a wonderful day as well. Talk to you soon!
