Wednesday, November 18, 2009


CINNAMON, GINGER, NUTMEG AND COCOA.  BAY LEAVES, PASTA SPRINKLE, MARJORAM, AND CINNAMON STICKS.  Oh, I guess that last group doesn't sing as well as the others do, does it?  But just try this........If you're going to Penzey's Spice Store... parsley sage, rosemary and thyme.  You can sing that easily!

Okay.  So we went to the spice store yesterday and I got the above listed spices.  And my eyes and nose feasted on the sights and smells of Penzeys.  Ummmmmmmm, smell nirvana.  We also went to a Half-Priced Book Store.  I picked up two expensive quilting books for cheap.  Actually much less than half price.   We dined at Q-Cumbers, a buffet place with a giant salad bar.  A stop at a chocolate store proved that we were very strong, healthy one purchased chocolate treats!  Isn't that awesome?  We thought so too, so to celebrate our strength in healthy eating choices we stopped for a cup of coffee and a piece of pumpkin cheesecake.  With whipped cream.  Oh, yes we did!  And it was a very good thing.


  1. Sounts like you girls had a great time. I've never been to a spice store, and we don't have Penzey's here in good old NE Arkansas.

  2. Glad you gals had some good bonding time together, and fed your sense's, as well as your stomach's :)

  3. Never even heard of a "spice" store. And I truly admire your strength of resisting the chocolates. Now the cheesecake??? why resist, it is Thanksgiving after all and pumpkin cheesecake is just so legal!!!

  4. hi marge, sounds good to me, i don't even try this time of year...

    thank you for the blog comment on sewing machines...I will have to do some research on yours as i have not heard of it, not that that's a big surprise, i have not been a sew-er for many a year...hoping you are doing well, i shall have to come back and catch up on your comings and goings :)
