Friday, November 27, 2009


In addition to the regular all American Thanksgiving meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, corn caserole, salads, pies etc, etc, etc, we had a couple of "family" appetizers.  Son Chuck brought venison sausage made from this year's deer hunt.  It was very good.  

And the smoked salmon below came from our trip to Alaska this summer.  Son Chris smoked and canned it for us, and it was very good also.

And I want you all to know that I did not get up early today and join the mobs rushing into the malls looking for the bargain of the century.  Nope.  Not me.  Ain't gonna happen!  I did run into town for lunch at daughter Kari's house.  I had pumpkin pie with whooped cream.  Now I'm fixing a meal exactly like the one we had last night, minus the pies.  And then I think I'll take the CHEAP artificial tree out of it's box and see how bad it looks.   I like to have my tree up the whole month of December, and on into the first week of January.  But, we're leaving for our winter trip on December 28th this year, so if I want to enjoy it for a few weeks I'd best put it up now. 

Have I told you about our winter trip?  We're heading somewhere we've never been.  Texas!  It's an easy trip.  We'll hop on Interstate 35 and head down to San Antonio and from there to Corpus Christi and the Navy base there.  Then we plan to meet our dear friends from Maryland,  Glenn and Carole, and then we"ll head across the bridge to North Padre Island where we plan to camp for awhile.  Carole is my quilting buddy, and Glenn is Ernie's golfing and biscuits and gravy buddy, so we hope to have fun.  And, of course, I plan to take advantage of the Gulf for photos and other blog opportunities.  I'm looking forward to the trip, the sunshine, and the Gulf.  Oh, and a stop in Oklahoma to meet a blogging friend!  See you soon, Lisa! 

1 comment:

  1. I didn't go out shopping either - just not that crazy enough. I'd rather pay full price than to mess with aggressive crowds. Your Thanksgiving gathering sounds like it was an enjoyable (and delicious)experience. I plan to drag out the Christmas stuff all week and hopefully have everything decked out by next weekend, if I can manage to squeeze a few more hours out of my day. I'm so excited we get to go on another trip - I've never been to Texas - and what a bonus to get to meet Lisa. I'd go to Texas just for that very reason, she's a sweet blogging friend. Enjoy decorating your tree my dear, I will check back for some pictures (hint, hint).

