Wednesday, December 08, 2010


The temperature on my computer weather gadget says zero.  I'm not so sure that's accurate though, as a town just a few miles from here is reading eight below.  Yup, it's cold.  In Minnesota this means it's making ice.  The lakes are freezing nice and solid so people like my sons can drive their trucks out to the middle of the lake, cut a hole in the ice, drop a line in, and sit there all day on an overturned five gallon bucket, swearing they are having fun!  And if they're lucky, they'll catch a fish or two for supper.  A man went through the ice on a local lake just this past weekend, and he died.  I always worry about my boys and my grandkids that they take out there with them!

Speaking of my boys.  Last night I spent a couple of hours on the phone, talking with three of my five boys.  It was my birthday, and a day full of birthday greetings in person, by mail, by email, and by text was topped off with these  phone calls.  The youngest, the middle, and the next oldest boys called last night, and I had such great talks with them.  They are such good men, and I am so proud of them.  I had also gotten birthday greetings by text from another son's wife, and a grandson.  And I had lunch at Chipotle with oldest daughter, who had given me a shout out on her blog, resulting in greetings from some of her awesome friends.  At our Tuesday morning Bible Study, my sister brought bakery treats and the gals sang for me.  It was a good day!


  1. Belated Happy Birthday - You certainly kept that a secret from the blogging world!! Sounds like you had a great day. Our river is finally frozen solid enough that we don't have to worry about Daisy tracking the bunnies down onto the ice. It's always a worry at this time of year and again in the spring when the ice starts going out. We've lost dogs in the river in the past and it's terrible. Tell your boys to be very careful. I always worry about that, even in the middle of the winter.

  2. Well Happy Birthday to You! I hope you had a great day and may the Lord bless you with many, many more!

  3. Well Happy Birthday and sounds like you had the perfect day!

    I remember living in Maine and riding snowmobiles across the frozen lake. I just told myself it was a big field LOL
