Wednesday, December 08, 2010


This picture was supposed to go with the earlier post, but things weren't cooperating this morning.  So the card gets a post of its own! 
My beautiful and talented DIL, wife of middle kid, next to the oldest son, is a scrapbook/card maker.  Every year I look forward to the birthday and Christmas cards that she sends me because they are always handmade.  I think they are so beautiful, and so unique, better than any Hallmark card.  I have saved her cards, and some are on the bulletin board above my sewing machine so I can look at them and enjoy them as I sew.  That's where this pretty blue one will go.  However, the coffee card that was included in the card will not be hung on the bulletin board to enjoy!  That is already in my wallet waiting a trip to the coffee shop!  Thank you Thea.  You know how much I love your beautiful cards.


  1. Happy belated birthday!!! We hope you have many more.Guess where she got her talent?
    You should be down here now. We have record highs all this week. In the 80's.

  2. what a beautiful card! I admire talented people like your DIL. I would also cherish her efforts all year round!

  3. Yes, much better than Hallmark! Handmade with love ♥ Priceless ♥

    And beautiful :)
