Tuesday, June 23, 2009

97, 98, 99, 100, 101

No, I'm not practicing my counting. Those are the numbers I saw displayed on the time and temperature digital readouts on the marquees of banks and the mall last night. And the last two numbers are the two that my truck thermometer had calculated and posted. This was at 6:30 last night, folks! That is entirely too hot for me. Add to this the humidity of about those same numbers and it makes for a totally miserable day temperature wise. UGH! Give me 50's and 60's.............maybe an occasional 70. But you can keep anything above that.

It is for this reason exactly that I am leaving for Alaska next Wednesday. And I can't wait!

I think we have purchased all the supplies we wanted to bring along. The piles in the corner of the dining room are growing larger and the wallet is getting thinner. I have stacks of fabric on the ironing board to pack into my traveling plastic sewing tub to give me some projects to work on during rainy days. And we are starting to use up the contents of the frig and freezer so we can turn them off for a couple of months.

Time to get out of town!


  1. I'm so envious. I've got 4 more weeks to wait until we can take off. We're going UP in elevation instead of UP in direction (north). Hopefully it will be cooler where we're going too. And it's raining here again today - pouring to be exact. That doesn't help the humidity either.

  2. Well, we'll be coming your way so you could just hop on as we pass by!

  3. Don't forget to swing on by and pick me up! I'll forfeit this California heat for a cool day in Alaska anytime. I promise not to eat much.

  4. Oh my.... I would LOVE LOVE LOVE those temperatures! Still, I AM envious of a trip to Alaska. Ask your son how the month of May is in Alaska? I am taking my daughter on her senior/graduation trip next year and we are wide open for a destination :)
    Have an absolutely fabulous time... I know you will :)
    Your friend in Christ

  5. yep, get the heck out of Dodge there lady. That is just too hot for you all up North. Hope things are much much cooler for you SOON.
