Thursday, July 24, 2008


I had more fun this afternoon than I've had in months. Two friends and I went out to lunch and then to Mamma Mia! What fun! My head has been spinning all afternoon with the ABBA songs from the movie. Meryl Streep did a good job......Pierce Bronson? Well, he's certainly good looking, poor guy just can't sing. But the songs and the dancing and the scenery had me in a jolly happy mood this afternoon. If you haven't seen it, and if you just want to have fun, go see it!


  1. Oh, Marge I'm glad you got to do that and enjoyed it so. I'd be the same way with the ABBA songs, they'd stay with me a long time. I've seen some of the previews and the promos from the actors. Meryl Streep said she took the role just to embarras kids. LOL.
    You needed a day out with the girls and I wish I could go see it too.

  2. How cool! I'm glad you got a chance to see this. I'll bet it felt great to "escape" for awhile. I like the comment robbin made about Meryl Streep saying she took the role to embarras the kids....I would do it too for that reason alone. Maybe that's what Pierce did and he was better at it!

  3. Robbin and Linda: Meryl Streep is wonderful in this film....when is she not wonderful? And her singing is acceptable if not pretty good! Just don't know what Pierce was thinking by accepting the role!

    I went to bed last night with Dancing Queen going through my mind. Guess what? It's still there this morning. That's what ABBA does to me!

  4. Oh how great. I saw the play and LOVED it. Don't know if the movie can beat that or not. I will see it I promise. And then we can compare notes. I am more happy that you got out and had a wonderful day!

  5. I want to see that movie with my girls...but it's not even in the theater here yet. Sounds like a good time!

  6. Glad you got to the movie!! I have been thinking about going to this one as I like Meryl Streep and I know the play was good.

    Take care and thanks for the tip!

  7. So glad you got out and had a good time. Laughter is the best medicine.

    My daughter went to see it and said it was really good.

  8. I LOVE watching that guy eat all that weird stuff! Boy , does he have a strong stomach. I agree with you...not sure I'd try anything I posted. Maybe the cookies?

    Hallie :)

  9. I'm looking forward to seeing Mamma Mia. I heard it was really good.
