Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Actually that is not true. I have spots, they just aren't cancerous! In the past I have had a few skin problems that required removal of tissue to be sent to the lab, and reports of two different kinds of skin cancers have been the result. I had my yearly scan this morning, and I am free of any kind of cancerous spots! Yahoo! I have some spots, a few of them are a rosacea that he gave me a prescription for, and many are a sebaceous type of spot, inherited, and not cancer, nor does it turn to cancer.

I am most thankful. My doctor said to continue to avoid the sun, have a yearly scan, report any weird spots, and use 45 SPF makeup and lotions if possible. That I can do.


  1. Great news! I am a stickler for sunscreen and have quite a few spots that I need to "watch".

  2. congrats! I am happy to hear that =D!

  3. YAY! Good girl for having it checked out.. I hope you are doing ok this week. Love ya!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I always enjoy your comments!! I am not the best at leaving comments on people's blogs but I do want you to know I stop by yours on a regular basis and always enjoy seeing what you are doing or thinking.

    I am glad those spots are not serious!!

    Stop by my blog again and read about the great bike ride across Iowa!! About 20,000 people ride across our state every year!

    Take care.

  5. Avoid the sun?? Not a problem, I could easily be a night owl. I am so happy for you and know that you will continue to do what the doctor tells you. Yea!!! Good news is nice huh? Take care!

  6. That is great! Praise the Lord!

  7. That's awesome! My dad goes in every 6 months for his to be checked and gets more and more "chunks" taken out. I'm glad there is a way to catch this before it is out of hand. Keep on a slathering!
