Saturday, September 13, 2014


Do you remember this time last year?  I had been busy for weeks, filling two freezers with tomatoes, beans, broccoli, peppers, applesauce, etc.
Well, it's a good thing I filled them so full last fall, as this year has not been nearly as productive.  The garden did not produce like it did last year, and we left for a whole month during the peak of the harvest.  The tomatoes will be fine for spaghetti sauce and chili, the beans are still great in the soups, and the peppers can still flavor the sauces.  I did get some apples and have made some apple sauce, I've done some freezer pickles, and I have pears and nectarines coming.  Otherwise, it's been an off year for the freezer foods.


  1. that is one good looking freezer full of yummy yummy food. I wish I was motivated to do healthy things like that. sigh......

  2. Well it looks like your pretty well stocked! I've never heard of freezing pickles. We didn't have much of a garden this year but we're having a bumper crop of banana peppers. I need to can more of them tomorrow!

  3. thank goodness, you had some left over from last years stocking.

    I've followed you on your trip and the wedding, and enjoying all your post, I just didn't get around to commenting.

    But why did someone's alarm go off at 1:30 AM?!?! CrAzY

    Take care
