Monday, July 28, 2014


Surprise!  It's me!  I have blogged our last 4 trips to Alaska, so I figured I had best do this one too.  After all, we are traveling different roads for the first portion of our trip, so I will have new photos to post.  And those of you who know me well, know that I do post a lot of photos.  I don't know if I'll have anyone following along, but maybe if I connect to Facebook someone will come along.

We will be on the road in two weeks, stopping first in Grand Forks to visit grandson Sammy and his parents.  Then it's North to Alaska to see youngest grandson Nils and his parents.  Getting excited!  Are you?


  1. I am!!!!
    Oh, that's right, I'm LuAnn the anonymous.

  2. I'm in :) Post to FB so I can see ya, hon!

  3. I'm in! I followed your last trip and you are in my blog reader now.

  4. I love following along on your trips! Your pictures are always gorgeous, too. Have a great time!

  5. Oh I'm so happy you will be blogging about your trip! I was hoping you would!
    I always show my husband your blog too and who knows maybe some day we'll get the courage to make that drive too! We enjoyed our Alaskan cruise so much but want to see more.

  6. I want to come : ) can't wait to see what you see!(

  7. I will start watching the blog again as well. I hope I can still remember how to log in so you will see it is me....LJ
