Wednesday, September 05, 2012

ALASKA 2012 - DAY 13

It was raining when we went to bed last night, but one of the umpteen times I was awake during the night, the stars and moon were shining.  Then it was raining when we ate breakfast.
And then the sky lightened a little bit so we took a walk.
This is the house we're staying in.  Chris and Jeff built it a few years ago for the couple that are letting us stay there while they are gone.
As we walked down to the beach, the sun shown a bit, and a lovely rainbow appeared.
I never tire of looking at this sight!
And I guess the boss doesn't either!
The sun didn't last long though, and soon it was raining again.
If it were not so muddy, I would take a walk on this trail.   Guess what the name is?  It's The Otterbahn!  Cute, uh?


  1. The trail looks very interesting! I think I would just put on boots on go for a little ways at least. But then, what about bears? I would be a little worried I think. ;)

  2. Jeanne, I have hiked that trail. It's fun, beautiful, and yes, there are bear! But there has been a lot of rain recently, and it would have been a muddy mess. Maybe it will dry out a bit before we leave.

  3. I am enjoying your travelog so much! I really want to visit Alaska someday. Thanks for sharing!
