Friday, June 01, 2012


I don't know if you realize what an important day this is in the history of the world.  I'll list just a couple of the highlights:

1533  Anne Boleyn crowned Queen of England

1792  Kentucky admitted as the 15th US state

1813  Capt John Lawrence utters Navy Motto "Don't give up the ship."

1861  First skirmish in the Civil War takes place in the Fairfax Court House, VA

1936  Queen Mary completes maiden voyage, arriving in New York

1967  Beatles release Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band in the US

2006  Marge retires!

That's right.  I have been retired for six years now.  Six years ago we were in the midst of packing up our 5th wheel RV, selling our house, saying goodbye to family and friends, and preparing to head off into the big new world of retirement.  We had purchased a truck and trailer, had invited an 11 and a 13 year old grandson to join us for the summer, and we were heading for Alaska.   Oh, what fun we had!  It was the adventure of a lifetime, not just for the boys, but for us, too.  Our original plans were to travel for at least ten years, but mom's cancer a year and a half later changed our plans. 

However, I am still retired.  I am still enjoying not having to get out of the house by 7:45 each morning.  I can stay in my jammies until noon (or all day!) if I wish.  I can bake or do laundry or clean house in the middle of the day instead of trying to cram it all in at night or on Saturday.  I can attend my Bible study on Tuesday morning with ten awesome gals, I can give rides when needed, I can help out kids and grandkids when needed,  I can go out for coffee with my friends, and I can do nothing if I want!

My historical event of today will never go down in history as earth shattering or important in any way, but to me, it's a great day!

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