Saturday, May 12, 2012


Finally my first iris!  Thank you my dear friend Charlie.  Charlie cleaned out her perennial beds last fall, and I was the grateful recipient of her gleanings.  This iris is on a stalk which is standing about 4 1/2 feet tall and is peeking right in my kitchen window.  Love it!

In other fun happenings, yesterday I hung blue glass dingle-balls on the pergola.  What are blue glass dingle-balls, you ask?  I don't know either, but I found them this winter at my favorite thrift store, and thought they'd make a fun decoration for the beams of the pergola.  What do you think?

I'm having fun hanging plants in the trees and pergola.  I'll post photos when the flowers are all in bloom, but this is what we have so far.

I am heading outside this morning to pot up a few more plants for the patio area.  Love that outside decorating.  Now if the wind would behave so things don't blow away.......

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