Wednesday, May 02, 2012


My Big Brother is still missing.  I took him to the sewing machine hospital last week Wednesday, but seems that Shawn and Amanda were getting ready to go to a show for the weekend, so there was no time to check out the cranky bobbin problem that my Brother was having.  I called yesterday, Tuesday, and they were still unpacking from the weekend show.  I hope today was fix Marge's machine day.  And I hope I get a call first thing in the morning.

I have big time sleep issues some nights, and last night was definitely one of those nights.  I was looking for brown and pink fabric for the quilt for my great baby that is expected in August.  Baby momma has picked those colors, and I dreamed that I couldn't find a thing in those colors.  I finally found a line by some weird sounding name that I must have pulled out of some foreign telephone book.  (Do they still have those?  We only have cells.)   And I found a nice white fabric with teeny tiny pink rosebuds on it and thought I could use that with the pink and brown.  But then the pinks didn't match.  And the brown and white didn't look good together.   And there wasn't enough of one kind of fabric that I wanted, and the gal cut yards and yards of another that I didn't want.   I was trying to decide on a pattern, and I couldn't buy fabric if I didn't know what I was making, and there was nothing I liked, and on and on this weird half awake half asleep dream went.

I finally got up at two and watched an hour of HGTV to clear my mind.  And they were having a million dollar room show.....not a million dollar house, a million dollar room!  I can't even relate.  I've never even lived in a 2000 square foot house, let alone a 40,000 square foot house!  So then I got upset with the show because it was so unbelievable to me.  I went back to bed around three, and did sleep then, but I was exhausted when I got up at six!

My friend Judy is coming for supper, so I made brownies.  And chopped all the veggies for a nice salad, and also chopped veggies to put in my spaghetti sauce to serve over my quinoa noodles.  I love chunky veggies in my spaghetti sauce, peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, etc.

So here's hoping my Big Brother has a complete healing tonight and comes home, ready to get back to work.  We have stuff to do!


  1. What a bummer to have your Brother missing! I am sure He is special to you. I agree with you on some of those shows. I don't have cable, but I do like House Hunters. But if they are looking for a mansion, I usually don't enjoy it as much! It is so unreal to me since my house is only 1000 square feet!

  2. i wish i had that kinda money, 1000sq feet is alot more then the 500sg ft of a home i have. glucks to finfing your brother and many wishes
