Friday, April 13, 2012


I made a new cover for the little ironing board that sits on my sewing table.  Isn't it cute
And here is the beginning of a new day.
This is a new bread recipe, that I will be making again.  Today as a matter of fact.
 These are the new flowers on our little crab apple tree.  I know, blurry, as all of these photos seem to be.
What do I have the camera set on anyhow?  And it's raining today, so that accounts for some blur.


  1. What a tease! You could have least told us the name of the bread. It looks good.
    Your ironing board cover is adorable. I love covering ironing boards. I even stole my BFF's out of her closet and recovered it when she was a work once.

  2. All great photos! My crab apples are almost at peak too. So pretty. What kind of bread is that?!
