Saturday, September 10, 2011


I believe that a couple of posts ago we left hubby sitting on the patio reading instructions.  I checked on him yesterday morning and
found him making piles of wood in the yard.  Our youngest son, Lance, was there too, and they were conversing about something on the patio table.

 Oh, I see now.  They were looking at little bags full of gold colored nuts and bolts of many different sizes and shapes, each beside a paper label with a number penciled on it.
 Even the wood pieces have numbers taped to them.  I wonder what's going on?
 Wow!  Now they are checking another set of directions!

Say, son, do you understand these instructions any better than I do? 

Oh, ya, this is what that means.  You connect part L9 with part Q18 with bolt CR57 and nut K49.  I got it now! 
And by early afternoon they had the initial frame bolted together and the cedar posts tentatively standing on the patio area!  This morning they will center things, determine the exact spot for the posts, and will begin to put the beams and slats on the pergola! 
Meanwhile, early today it was a misty moisty morning.  (Do you know that poem?) 

I crept out barefoot and in my pajamas to take a few pictures. 
Dew drops decorated every blade of grass in the wet lands area. 
The shape of every plant was outlined with the drippy wetness.  
Ooops, something is turning color! 
The moist air hung in every little boggy hollow, 
accentuating the tall delicate stalks and 
the fragile cobwebs. 
I would have loved to have gone out into the swampy grasses to get some nice close-ups of these cobwebs, but remember,  
I was barefoot and in my pajamas!  I don't walk barefoot in bugs and mice and snakes and other creatures of the wetland area.  Do you? 


  1. Oh, I have always wanted one of these. I would need it to be near ground, because I want to let grape vines climb it. My ancestor developed the Beta Grape, a winter hardy grape used to make wines and jellies...

  2. Really taking shape back there! I love the pergolas...but my such work!

    Your backyard is going to be beautiful and I know you can't wait for it to be complete!!
