Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I spent the morning in the kitchen.  You can just call me Helen Homemaker, Betty Crocker, or Paula or Ree!  I made a wonderful potato leek soup, and I thought of Paula and Ree because it's made with both butter and cream in addition to the chicken broth, leeks, potatoes, onions, celery,  thyme, and parsley.  Yummmmm!  Awesome if I say so myself.
So for lunch we had the potato leek soup, Not Rye bread still warm from the oven.  And just made blueberry and peach jams.  As I said before, yummmmmmmm.

I have 6 half pint jars of the blueberry and the peach jams to put in the freezer.  I also have three quarts of the potato leek soup to put in the freezer.  The loaf of bread is half gone.  Not going in the freezer.  I'll just make another loaf tomorrow.

Oh my goodness!  What horrible lighting!

I love the jewel tones of jams and jellies.  (That is not mouse's chia seeds!)   Speaking of jewels...........

......this is #2 granddaughter, Katie.  Isn't she beautiful?  Oh, Clayton, her husband, is beautiful too, don't you think?

And this little gem is Anna, #14 grandkid, with her cat.  JB.  Yup, Justin Bieber.

And a gem from my back yard.  It's a beautiful day in Minnesota.  Hope you had a good lunch.  We did.  Everything was home made and gluten free.  Don't ask about the fat and calories.


  1. Oh my goodness gracious! I wouldn't begin to know anything about how you did all of the above, but am envious!

    #14? Big beautiful family and stuffed pantry and freezer. What more could a lady need? LOL

  2. Meh. Leave the calories behind. It's the thought that counts! Great pics. Not too bad a day here; Wolf hanging in, Bear loving school. Yukon, well, I'll write about him in a second. :)

  3. #14??!! what a wonder, how lucky are you, grandma...and so much to eat, how busy, are you martha/julia mixed up schizo or something???? those petunias in the garden are here's a challenge-try being GF, DF-dairy AND nightshade-potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and certain spices, free....therein is an awful challenge!! very difficult and limiting when some eat none of the above and others eat it all!!! geez......i'm tired just thinking, well, i am tired anyway.....xoxo
