Friday, July 08, 2011


This afternoon I emptied the pictures from my card to my computer, and found I had a potpourri of things on there!  This is the patio right outside our kitchen door.  The lighting is bad because it was cloudy that day.  When the lighting is good on this spot, the planter is too hot, and the flowers are drooping!

This one is also right outside the door.  I love that I found three different flowers in the same shade of lavender and planted them together.

We have two trees in the middle of the back yard, and I hung plants in both of them.
The two planters on the left in the next picture have been a napping spot for squirrels!  They've kind of wrecked the plants.

Last night our daughter, Kari,  invited us to go for a boat ride with them on a nearby lake.  When we arrived the lake was nice and calm. 

And then Miss Attitude arrived!  Love her dearly!

And this morning this is what the weather app on my phone told me the weather would be for the next six days.  Oh, I sure hope that is wrong!  I don't want six days of thunderstorms!


  1. Petunias!! I love petunias. They remind me of my grandparents' house in Montana. Spicy-sweet, just like them. :)

  2. Love the photo of the two in the trees!

    I have a 24 year old "Mr. Attitude" here. LOL
