Saturday, May 07, 2011


On Tuesday I posted that we were working on buying a house.  Everything has galloped ahead at breakneck speed!  We close on May 20th!  This week was spent turning in more paperwork, signing more paperwork, checking with people, signing more paperwork, transferring money, signing more paperwork, and running to town to sign more paperwork.  I think we've signed our names a hundred times each!  In between signing paperwork and signing paperwork, we bought a king sized bed after running to a half a dozen mattress and bed retailers.  Have you bought a mattress lately?  Sticker shock big time!  Then yesterday we checked another four places before finding a headboard, a simple black iron headboard, that I was willing to pay the money for.  Now we have two beds for our new two bedroom twin home!

I have been packing up the fragile antique dishes, but the regular kitchen items aren't going to get special treatment.  After all, we are moving across the street!  Most things can be loaded in a laundry basket, carried across the street, unloaded, and the basket sent back to refill.  I have a lot of my mom's and grandmother's dishes that are precious to me, so they will be cared for lovingly.  The rest can be replaced in the event of a break. 

I need to get into the sewing area and pack up the fabric and other items there.  And that too can be packed in totes or laundry baskets and organized on the shelves in the walk in closets on the other side of the street.  I just may find I'll have room to buy and store more fabric!

We'll need a couple of rugs for the wood laminate floors, and maybe window treatments for the living room, but otherwise we should be good to go.  And I am getting excited!  I may not get around to posting often, but the way I've neglected this blog lately, what's the difference?  I'll post pictures as soon as I can.

Thinking of mother's day tomorrow makes me miss my mom.  I wish I could hug her and tell her I loved her.  If you still have your mom you are blessed.   Make sure you at least call her and tell her you love her.

1 comment:

  1. ohhh exciting! we are buying a house too. Not a "new" house, but new to us.

    We wont close until the end of June, you are going to have to send me some good moving ju ju...

    have fun and post pics and progress reports!
