Tuesday, April 26, 2011


It makes for a very short night when one goes to bed at eleven, but is still awake at two.  And if one gets up at two and walks around the place, turns on TV and finds nothing on (surprise, uh?) and goes back to bed at four, and finally falls asleep, but has to get up at six to get ready for Bible study, how much sleep is that?  Two hours at the very most! So it was a very short night for me, and I am really tired tonight.  I have some things on my mind, and I don't know if sleep will come any faster tonight than it did last night, but I am certainly going to try.


  1. well YOU have been on my mind a lot. I have wanted to call, but seemingly never get it done. Lots going on here, I will read your blog and try to get caught up. I miss you and love you and hope you are doing ok....Lisa

  2. Lots here too....but good stuff! Next week we should talk.....okay?

  3. saying a peaceful sleep prayer for you. Hope that which is troubling you, becomes a bubble and blows away......

  4. I pull nights like that occasionally, too. The night before we left I didn't sleep at all and had been awake from 5:30 a.m. It was a full 24 hours before I felt like sleeping and then I died. But it felt good. Sounds like you have something exciting in the works. We'll all be waiting.

  5. I hope tonight is more peaceful for you! But in case you are up, at least there's a wedding to watch. :)
