Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I know.  I've been neglecting this blog since we returned from Alaska.  I may be rectifying that soon.  But more on that in a minute.  First I want to tell you some sad news.  Our nephew passed away on the 21st.  He was only 47 and he had a heart attack during the night.  The memorial service is later this afternoon.  It will be a sad gathering, but it will be good to see a lot of relatives that unfortunately don't get together often enough. A large family is a huge comfort at these times.

After our trip to Alaska for our SIL's funeral, we had pretty much decided that we wouldn't take a winter trip to the warmer part of our country, but I guess the last couple of weeks and the 25 below temps have gotten to Ernie.  Two nights ago he informed me that he wanted to go to Arizona anyhow, and that he had figured out how we could afford it if we were careful.  I'm still not totally convinced, but I guess he is going, so I think I'll have to tag along!  We haven't set an exact departure date yet, but I guess if we're going we should just go.  The trailer is always loaded with all we need except for our clothing and some food, and of course the computers and cameras.  We can't really stock up on food and then drive through below zero temps for a couple of days because everything would freeze, so I think I'll load the rice, flour, pinto beans, and coffee, and just go shopping when we arrive at our destination.  I guess I can load meat from our's already frozen.... but anything else isn't feasible.

So, what I'm saying is that it sounds like we're going on a trip to Arizona where we hope to find some roads less traveled.  Want to come along?  You are invited.  I'll let you know when we leave!


  1. Oh, how I would LOVE to come along. I've got a case of cabin fever so bad this winter it's pathetic. But we've decided to stay home this winter and prepare for the coming high water as best we can. Plus the fact that we've gotten an attorney involved in this water issue as he feels we've been totally wronged by the water shed board that makes all the decisions as to who gets a dike and who doesn't. Anyway, that's a story for another day. Please sit in the warm sun for me for a day. I need it. And, I'm so sorry for your loss. You've had more than your share this year.

    And, btw, I have missed your posts.

  2. I'm so sorry about your nephew...

    I agree. Go to Arizona. I would in a heartbeat!!

    Pack. Now. :)


  3. Oh, we are sad for you. Perhaps a trip south is a good idea and a healing one, too. We've had a tough winter up here in AK, and we'd love some sun! Enjoy.
