Sunday, December 12, 2010


I promise.  This is the last post on this blizzard.  Not promising anything if we receive another batch of snow, say around Thursday or so.

The temperature has risen to a balmy 3 above zero, so I decided to take a walk and get some fresh air.  I haven't been out except to shoot out the garage door since this crazy blizzard started and I was craving some fresh air.  So I bundled up in my Steger mukluks and my fleece jacket with a scarf around my neck, grabbed my camera and ventured out in to the winter wonderland.  It is beautiful out there!  The sun is shining and the ice on the trees is glistening, and the white of the new fallen snow is almost blinding.

 Just down the street from us are these gorgeous evergreens.  I love evergreens.  Especially when God decorates them with pretty white snow.
Some more of God's Christmas decorations.
This is a road right down the center of the picture, but it hasn't been plowed yet.
Our back yard.
Can you see the sparkly branches on the trees?  That is the coating of ice that is under that foot or more of new snow that we received.  And the snow on top of the ice makes for treacherous footing.  I was very careful when I walked.  The plowed roads are heavily coated with this ice, and it's going to take warmer temps than 3 above to melt it!
I love the designs created by the blowing snow.  This is also in our backyard. 

Ok.  I'm done with the pictures until next time.


  1. marge, these are gorgeous, from a native californian who sees very little of the white stuff....i would n't wan t to live in it but it's very pretty in the middle of december....have a wonderful christmas, my dear xoxo

  2. Whoa! You have a LOT of snow!

    I have been following the storm as it goes through Minnesota. I see the Metrodome went down today. Wow!

    And it has been COLD there as well as lots and lots of snow.

    Still, I enjoy your photos and the snow looks nice even if it is cold.

    I agree. I always like the designs you see in the snow caused by the wind and shadows. Always quite fascinating.

    Take care and stay warm!!

  3. First, I love your new header photo!

    Second, did you know that Alexandria got nary a snowflake this weekend? It was WAY too cold to snow. It was so odd watching MNDOT's site and seeing the clean demarcation where the snow stopped falling.

  4. Oh, my dear Marge - you need to come NORT' to Ole and Lena Land. Our temps are balmier and we only two inches of snow!!

  5. I'm thinking you should have left weeks ago in that camper!!!
    Keep warm.

  6. Linda, I visited you today and I love your kaleidoscope hills! Be glad you're not in Minnesota in the fifteen below zero weather!!

    Yes, Russell, we have a lot of snow. And more coming Wednesday and Thursday! Enough already!

    butomysoul-Thanks for visiting! I have visited your site through my daughter Kari's site. Isn't it funny that 150 miles can make such a difference in the weather!

    Yes, Lena, I realize we have had a much harder winter so far than you have! But it's not over yet! Ernie says we're lucky we have global warming!!!!!

    My thoughts exactly, Osage Bluff Quilter! Two weeks from today! I'm not packing food this year....just packing the clothes and taking off. I'll buy food when we get there!

  7. Beautiful until the plows come. They are always a welcome sight, but then it looks all yucky. I'm glad you took the photos...they make feel even colder, but I enjoyed them!

    Oh, no hurry to head is freezing down here in NC...geesh!

    Me no like the cold weather any more.

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