Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I just bought an hour's worth of access, so let's see how much I can cram into that time!
 This trail heads off of the Sawbill Trail and is absolutely beautiful!
 Probably the most beautiful display of fall color that I have ever seen.
 Of course photos never live up to the real thing.
The color was everywhere, on the hill sides, along the road, and on the ground. 
 Red, orange, gold, yellow, was all there.
 The Garmin said the distance was 24 miles.  It took us 3 hours!  Someone had to stop and get out to take pictures every once in awhile!
Part of our drive was on very narrow dirt roads.  And we had very little traffic!  Just a few cars of other folks out leaf looking.
I could buy me a piece of this land and build a small log home, and live happily every after.  I love it Up North!
Don't you think you could live here?


  1. I KNOW I could live there. That is so pretty. I can't believe the leaves are already changing. I fear we will not have a pretty fall here this year due to the high temps and low amount of rain fall. So I will enjoys.

  2. Can and do :) Once January hits, though, I am more than ready for FLORIDA!
    You got some beautiful pictures, and had some great weather... Good for you!

  3. I love fall in Minnesota! It almost makes up for the yuckiness of winter.
