Friday, August 13, 2010


I have new dishes!  Lots of pretty colors, don't you think?  I have been coveting Fiestaware, but could not afford it.  Even on sale it was too much for me to spend.  Today I was walking through Cheepko, and saw they had dishes on clearance.  The colors were nice and bright, like the Fiesta colors, and the price was fantastic!  In fact, I got all eight four-piece place settings for just a few bucks more than one place setting of Fiesta.
The colors aren't the same.  This brand doesn't have the chocolate color that I really love, and there also is no peacock or aqua color.  But these colors are just fine by me!  Especially considering the price I paid for them.   And these bright colors sure do make my old white dishes look pretty boring, don't they!


  1. And, every time I think of replacing my dishes (I got a 5-piece place setting every time I spent $125 at the grocery store), I think I will just get Corelle Winter Frost so that it will look nice no matter what color tablecloth and napkins I am using... but I will never do it until I break my very last dish. I'm cheap like that.

  2. Very pretty! I'm glad you treated yourself. Now you can invite us over for supper to try them out.

  3. Can I buy your old white dishes to replace my 5 plates I got for a quarter?


  4. Those are just beautiful....and fit your personality greatly...bright and cheery!
    You're such a nut! (and a bargin shopper!)
