My dear friend Judy wanted one of the purses I've been making, so she picked out the fabric and I said I'd make it for her. She chose a purple flower print with silver sparkles on it, and a green to match the leaves which also had sparkles on it. Michael Miller prints, I believe.
Here are all the pieces cut out, backed with iron-on fleece, and pockets sewed on and straps completed.
This is the back with a pocket that fits my cell phone perfectly. Hope it fits her phone, too!
Here is the front flap. The little circle you can make out is where I ironed over the magnetic snap closure. There is also a pocket under this flap, and four pockets on the inside.
And here is the finished bag, hanging on the drawer knob of my thrift shop find!
Isn't it springy?
It's absolutely gorgeous. You do wonderful work.