Tuesday, February 09, 2010


You know when you take a pound of ground beef, brown it with onions, green peppers, and add ketchup, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, maybe brown sugar, or variations of those and other ingredients, and serve it on a bun,  what do you call them?   Do you call them Sloppy Joes, as I do, or BBQ sandwiches?  Or loose meat sandwiches?    Or made-rites?  Or taverns as my grandma called them, and when we were kids we were sure our parents wouldn't let us eat something called taverns!  They were evil places!  Or do you call them steamers, as our friends from Maryland called them when I brought them as my contribution to our Super Bowl supper?  I'm sure there are plenty of other names, too.  But I want to know what you call them.  Please tell me.  And also tell me what part of the country you live in.  Maybe it's a regional thing?

Just wondering........


  1. Marge I call browned hamburger ones Sloppy Joes, and steamed hamburger ones made rites. And I am from the snow storm area of MN.

  2. Sloppy Joes in Georgia :0)!

  3. I call them Sloppy Joes... my mother-in-law calls them BBQ's. She's in MN now. Her family is from Wisconsin, but she grew up in Arizona. Her mom and dad moved there to avoid allergens. I don't know where she picked up that Sloppy Joes were BBQs.

  4. My friend, who doesn't do comments, just emailed that they called them spoonburgers. And when they were kids they called them goonburgers.

    Hey Judy, post your own comments! It's easy!

  5. I'm from Arkansas and what you describe is sloppy joes to us.

  6. I would probably call me YUCKY! I do NOT eat green peppers, onions (except in rare circumstance!) But sounds like meatloaf or dog food to me. Sorry, just being silly. I can't wait to meet up with you and get to visit. I will not feed you hamburger with onions and green peppers in it, I PROMISE!
