Monday, February 08, 2010


Friday we headed downtown San Antonio to see the sights.  Samantha on the Garmin got us right to the parking ramp by the Alamo.  Thanks Samantha!  Don't like getting lost downtown huge cities!  Our first order of business was food and because Glenn and Carole had been there before, they knew about Pat O'Briens and the outdoor seating area.  This is the fountain.  Isn't it cool?  Fire and water seemingly mixed.  I loved it!

There is a gas fed ring just inside the water jets, and it certainly gives the illusion that the fire and water are completely mixed.  What fun!
The outdoor seating area is in a little fenced off area where the tables are located.  We had a nice view of the street, and of the decorated tree right outside the fence.
I'm guessing this place will be rocking tomorrow for Fat Tuesday!
Ernie, ever the mechanic, had to get a closer view of the fountain to see how it worked.  He probably would like to build a fountain to carry along with us on our travels so we could have fire and water all the time.  No, not fire water,  fire AND water!
 Next stop The Alamo. "Back in 1836 Houston said to Travis, 'take some volunteers and go fortify the Alamo.'  Sorry, I break into song everytime I hear the word Alamo.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely LOVE THE PICTURES...
    and with the bad weather you have had on this trip some "fire water" might not be such a bad thing. Would make dealing with it all a little fact, you wont even CARE about the weather after some good firewater!
    But that fire and water fountain is incredible. If Ernie builds you one, would you give Scott a copy of the blue prints so he could make me one for the back yard?
