Wednesday, January 06, 2010


This was our sunrise yesterday.  The day progressed into a lot of wind and coolish temps, but you can't beat the sunrise!

I went for a walk last night and found about thirty jellyfish stranded in the shallows of the little inlet as the tide went out.  You remember from Florida my fascination with jellyfish.  I think they are so cool!  These were pretty good sized, over a foot across and some a lot larger.
And grumpy here watched me the whole time but he never moved.  Just stood there on one foot and made sure I didn't go where I wasn't supposed to go.
 Today has dawned cloudy and still.  But that's only for a little while, as there is a forecast for rain and high winds.  Sounds like a sewing day to me!  What are your plans today?

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of the jelly fish. I have yet to see one in person in the wild. I wonder if that bird is frozen and can't move? Or protecting a nest? I don't know, but he/she does look kind of grumpy to me too. Looks like you all are having a good time, sorry the weather is not the best, but you still have a few weeks for it to turn around and I am SURE it will. Keep the pics coming, I love them.
