Sunday, December 20, 2009


This is my family.  Yup, all those white haired people!  Back row is Ike, husband of sister Ruth who is the tallest sister, then is Carolyn, wife of only brother Paul.  Front row is sister Betsy, the skinniest sister, her husband Ross (yup, Betsy and Ross!) then is the youngest sister, Lois, who had a birthday yesterday, then is the oldest and fattest sister, me, and hubby Ernie.  We had a birthday party / Christmas party yesterday at Ruth and Ike's home, about 40 miles from here.  Ruth is a lovely hostess, and we more than filled our bellies!  This was brother Paul's dessert plate!  Don't ask me how he remains so slim and trim!

But you can clearly see that we had enough to eat, especially in the sweets department.

In the afternoon, as the men sat in the living room and half visited and half snoozed, us gals sat around the dining room table and went through a big stack of old....I mean old as in antique.....greeting cards.  Many had been sent to our great grandmother, Martha, from her sisters, Mina, Belva, Hulda, Emma, and Anna, always referred to collectively as "the great aunts."  Some were sent between the sisters and a couple were from our grandfather to his mom, our great grandmother, or from her to our grandfather.  The postage was a penny on these cards. and often the address was only to Mrs. xxxxxxx, town, state, nothing more.  Many were written in Norwegian!  Most of the dates range from 1911-1924, but several are from 1908!  That is over a hundred years old!  The colors of the cards are sharp and the cards are in good shape.  Only the pencil writing on the back is a bit hard to read!

We displayed all the cards on the table and then each of us five kids took turns choosing our favorites.  What treasures!  What a connection I feel to great, great aunts, who were sending Christmas greetings to our great grandmother, at the same time a hundred years later that I am attempting to send cards to friends and family! 

These were some pretty Christmas and New Year cards

 These are beautiful Norwegian cards.

I loved the Christmas and Easter cards, but everyone was a little freaked out by the hair on this Valentine!  I would like to frame them for display, but I want to be able to read the messages on the backs, too.  I haven't quite figured out what I'll do with them, but they certainly are a treasure!

Many thanks Ruth and Ike!  It was a very nice party where I hope we were making memories that will last as long as those greetings cards!


  1. Hi, remember me? I thought I'd poke my head in and wish you a merry Christmas! Happy to see you partaking in some joyful festivities with family. You are so lucky to have so many siblings...and what a treat to share the vintage postcards - what fun that must have been!

    Christmas hugs to you my friend ~

  2. Thanks for popping in, Joni! I didn't know if I should worry about you or if you were just busy. Glad to see you're okay. Hope you find time to post again soon. I've missed you!

    Merry Christmas my friend!

  3. Those cards are treasures. You could frame them in those frames that are two pieces of glass with the art work sandwiched between. It would give a view of front and back. Then when you wanted, you could just flip them over to read or to show. If there are messages inside, you could even open them up and frame them opened...though that wouldn't be as nice for the artwork.
    Nancy in Iowa

  4. I realize those frames are modern and wooden frames might look nicer with the artwork, maybe. But just an idea to not cover up the writing.
    Nancy again

  5. I am just amazed that your family has been able to keep up with cards that are 100+ years old. I am truly impressed. I think the cards are beautiful. love to sit and read old letters from my grandparents too. Although they are not quite that old as your cards.

    I can not believe this weather too. I hope you all are not suffering from it, we are not even getting any snow. I think about all of those people in the Northeast and what they must be going through here at the holidays.

    Looks as if your are also so blessed to have family that enjoys getting together, of course you were raised to be loving and thoughtful.

    Here is a heartfelt wish for you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hope to go grab the grandkids for the few days before Christmas to give their mom time to wrap things up in their home. So I may not be on the computer much! Take care, stay safe and warm, and enjoy your holiday season with all your family and friends.

  6. Hi Marge! Those cards are so beautiful, and the colors! Seeing how treasured those cards are, it makes me wonder about saving things and tossing. How in the world can a person decide which to do? I mean, I'm sure I've tossed many things my great-great grandkids might find treasures. I would love to have that connection like you have with the cards. Who would have thought 100 yrs ago that they would be worthy of framing? I need a bigger house so I can save all of my stuff now. I bet you had a nice visit with all of your siblings and spouses. I'm glad the weather was good for you.
