Wednesday, November 04, 2009


This is what I've been working on recently, a bag for my daughter-in-law, Thea, who celebrated a birthday today.  I bought the fabrics down in Florida this past winter at a big annual truck load sale at a sewing machine dealership.  They each have a touch of glitterly gold in them, and were really beautiful.  I wish my photography was better.  Thea said she liked the bag.


  1. Very pretty, I still love mine and always will!

  2. Very pretty! You are so talented with this kind of thing!

  3. It's a beautiful bag. I bet if Thea doesn't like it, there are plenty of takers.

    You do very good work.

  4. Well I think your photography is just fine and the bag is BEAUTIFUL. You are such a talented person in so many ways. I am looking forward to catching up with you in January when you cross our fine state!

  5. Thanks everyone for the compliments. I do enjoy creating things but I'm always sure others can do it better and I find so many faults in my own work. Glad you like your bag, Robbin! I enjoyed making it for you! I guess I should have another giveaway again soon, uh? We'll see.

  6. I agree with everyone's comments!
    The bag is beautiful, and very unique.

  7. What a beautiful bag :)

    Hand-made gifts are the absolute best! And a bag like that is perfect :)

  8. I love it!

    The pockets inside are so nice, they free up the bottom of my purse. Who knew that you could have a purse with very little on the bottom and can find all the things I need right away? I mean I have hand sanitizer, sunscreen, 3lipsticks and all the other "normal" purse stuff in this thing!
    I think your photography is fine but really no photo could do it justice. Way prettier in person!
    Thanks for the purse!
    P.S. And no, no one else can have it. :)
