Thursday, July 23, 2009


This is grand dog, Stella. She's black lab and a few other things.....maybe a little pit bull, but she is a very sweet dog. She loves to play sticks, and will bring you sticks of all sizes to throw for her. All sizes includes big logs for the fire, a pine cone, or maybe a blade of grass! Goofy dog! She has easily wormed her way into our hearts.
Been raining for about five days now. It was very dry, so the rain is welcome. But enough is enough now, okay? Makes a campfire hard to enjoy, but Chris and Amy are game to stand in the rain.
They cleaned and cut up the latest batch of salmon they caught yesterday.....I think the count was twelve this time. I stayed home and made beef barley soup and baking powder biscuits for the wet fishermen when they arrived back at camp.

And today I canned my first 8 pints of salmon. Have another batch about the same size to do up soon as we get back to the camper. I'm hoping next winter I'll be transported back to Seldovia when I use the salmon for supper!


  1. MMMM...I love salmon, but you will have to share how you use it from the canning state as I am curious and unfamiliar. Your grand-dog is cute - I love animals-they can put a smile on my face quicker than almost anything else. How much longer will you be gone? Yes, I'm nosey...but it's a good nosey. :)

  2. Joni, we are staying up here through August I think! More salmon to eat, and hopefully we're starting on the halibut eating tonight as Chris has a long line out and we're checking it this afternoon!!!! No time to blog today, but just saying hi to you!

  3. You'd better keep that canned salmon under lock and key when you get back to MN, as now we know who has some!
    Thanks for the lovely pictures of Alaska. Our Michael has been in Homer since mid April, and despite giving him two disposable cameras with self addressed, padded envelopes he says he hasn't taken many pictures yet! LuAnn Hultgren
    I think I might be breaking one of the Ten Commandments, as I'm coveting your salmon, and where you're staying!

  4. PS...and beef barley soup with biscuits. Between you and Kari this is just too much temptation!

  5. I love Salmon, but i have never seen it canned like that before. But if it taste just the same...I am sure I would love it. Again I will say, what a life you are living. hugs.
