Monday, December 08, 2008


Cast of characters: Dentist, Endodontist, Periodontist and me

After the dentist appointment this morning where I was told I needed a root canal, I had lunch with hubby (a bowl of butternut squash soup that was wonderful!) and then went home to regroup and brush before going to the endodontist. I was still a bit numb from the Novocaine at the dentist when I got to the endo guy. He immediately takes Xrays, which I had just had at the dentist! Can't they share? Then he shoots my already numb mouth full of Novocaine. He proceeds to take off the temporary crown which the dentist had just put on two hours previously, and then started digging around on the tooth. Eureka! He turns off the lights, takes the rubber dam thing out of my mouth, sheds his rubber gloves, and proclaims that he has bad news, and then tells me that he can't fix the tooth. It is cracked, so I will have to have it pulled, and then decide between a bridge and an implant. Oh, goody! just what I wanted to hear! But, meanwhile, I'd best go back to the dentist and see what he recommends. I told the endodontist that I think he and the dentist and the periodontist get together for a beer after work and plan what next they can do to Marge! He thought that was funny. I was serious!

So I take my doubly Novocained mouth and head back to the dentist, about 4 blocks away. See, I told you they are working together, they're close so they can send folks back and forth between them! Funny thing is that hubby was just driving in for his appointment! He got in first, and after the dentist numbed hubby's mouth he came out to talk to me. Okay, new plan. Now I get to go back on Friday to have this tooth pulled. It's the next to the back one, so it won't show, so I can just let it heal until we get back from Florida. THEN, I will get to have a bridge put in, after putting new crowns on the tooth in back and the tooth in front of it.

What is the periodontist's part in this? Well, I get to cancel my appointment with him, unless, of course, when they are laughing in their beers over this, they decide to create something else for me so I can go back to him, too.


  1. Marge, do not let them do anything else! pull that sucker and then see if you can live without it. LOL

    have a good trip.

  2. It's coming out on Friday, Tonjia. The funny thing is, it has caused me NO pain, NEVER a problem. Just what I wanted to do right before Chrismas!

  3. Well, you know that having a crown would make you a PRINCESS!!

    Does that mean you don't have to go through the bone implant procedure? I was going to say, I don't think I can donate any bone -- but if you're ever in need of any extra cellulite, I'm your girl! :-)

  4. you poor thing...but I guess on the upside you haven't had to deal with any least until you get the bill (hopefully you have insurance coverage)...maybe you should take a six pack to your next appointment! I have never heard of a donor bone tissue...learn something new everyday!

  5. Dear Marge, I've had dental problems in my life too and it is no fun. I always wished that we had three or four set of teeth instead of two. Just shed them every once in a while and grow brand new ones.

  6. Oh Marge, what a sad story! I'm so sorry, but at least you're going to the beach. That should make up for it! blessings, marlene

  7. Ole's had a bridge and has had 3 implants. He said the implants are far better than the bridge and he's never regretted it. Only our insurance didn't cover implants back then so it was spendy (rubs fingers together meaning lots of money).

  8. If I could afford it, it would be an implant, else, it would have to heal on it's own and let the space do what it wants to.

    That's what happens when you are poor and have no dental insurance.

    Oh yeah, I'm jealous. You are getting to go to the beach.

  9. Good grief!!! I missed this posting till just now, but I already saw where the tooth is gone. Well at least it is done, over with, finished, till you recoup from Florida! Good grief!
