Wednesday, December 03, 2008


At least for the moment I am thinking I'm a geek! I seemed to have fixed my skipping letters and spaces problem. Last night I started checking geek sites and reading questions from users and replies from the tech guys. Well, after awhile I found that a huge percentage of the questions were about keyboard problems, especially skipping letters and spaces. This was happening to folks using gmail. The suggested fix was to go back to an older version of gmail, which is very simple to do. You click on the button older version which is on the upper right side of the inbox page. I figured there was no way my computer would be any worse if I tried and it didn't work, so I bravely pushed the button at midnight. In the next fifteen minutes I wrote two lengthy emails, both with not a single missing letter or space!

So the moral of the story is: new is not always better, as in the newer version caused the problem. So at least for now, I am back up and running, thanks to the geek in me! Ha. Ha. Lucky shot, I know. But it worked!


  1. Yeah for you!!! You fixed it, you are so smart!!!! Next computer problem and I am calling YOU.

  2. Except that after I sign out of gmail it goes back to the newer version. I think I have to click the older version button each time after exiting gmail! Oh well, if it works and I can limp along for a few months, then I will buy a new computer in the spring.

    Now I'm off to town to buy laundry detergent....seems I got way behind on laundry and I just used the last of my detergent......
    I'll talk to you later!

  3. I agree that new is not always better. I am afraid of Vista too.

  4. Wahoo! I always feel so proud of myself when I tackle those 'geeky' problems by myself.

    And Vista freaks me out.
