Friday, September 19, 2008


Do you know Peter Ostroushko ? Or Dirk Freymuth? Last night they were performing at the college where I used to work, and I was privileged to attend. It was absolutely wonderful! And I bought two CD's. Had to. I needed that music in my house. Ostroushko is a master of violin and mandolin, Freymuth of the guitar. They have done many concerts together, thrilling crowds everywhere. Ostroushko was asked several years ago to write the music for a PBS special on Minnesota. The result is the CD Minnesota, which is one that I bought. I had heard it before, but this is the first time I heard the music in a live concert. Please check out the Ostroushko site and listen to a bit of his music.

Tonight we're going to my middle sister's place about 45 minutes east of here. My other two sisters and also my brother will also be there, along with spouses. We are gathering to go through the last of our mom's things, jewelry, etc. I am really looking forward to being together with everyone........we haven't done so since mom's funeral, and I'm sure this weekend will help bring some closure to our grieving. We all get along well, so it will be a pleasant, if emotional, time, I'm sure.

So I made a cake to bring along. Actually, I made the cake that you all should make, Pioneer Woman's carrot cake. If you've never visited her site, now is the time. She has many good recipes and this is one of the best! And you should go make it now!

Then I stopped by the clinic to make an appointment with my doctor for my physical. I don't get in until the end of October, about five weeks from now, which is good because now I can take off the forty pounds I'm wanting to get rid of. (see carrot cake recipe.)

So, now I should pack up a few things for the weekend. I'll probably not see you until Sunday sometime. Have a great weekend. And make the carrot cake.


  1. No, no carrot cake for me. It is a vegetable I don't care how you slice it and doctor it up. Just kidding, but I have never been a fan of carrot cake. But I am a fan of you, have a wonderful, peaceful, and healing time this weekend with your siblings. We will see you soon.

  2. Yes, it IS a vegetable -- and how many servings are we supposed to have each day? Something like 4-6? Topped with cream cheese frosting...mmmmm!

  3. I love carrots but have never been a fan of carrot cake. Something about cake and a vegetable that is an oxymoron. But I have tried a couple of her recipes. The Chicken Spaghetti is fantastic. Anna loves it. Have fun.

  4. I just stopped over to say good morning and to let you know I am thinking of you. Even when I know you are not going to be here I just want you to know you are still in my thoughts...each and every day. I even dreamed about meeting my blogging friends, isn't that cute? Hope you had/have a nice time with your family.

  5. I remember going through mothers things 39 years ago and how hard it was. Then 14 years ago we went through Dad's. it was tough too.
