Thursday, August 28, 2008


My friend Lisa over at this spot asked her regular readers to post 25 random things about themselves. She is right when she says that on the Internet a person can portray themselves as whatever they want and she feels these facts will help her to know her readers better. Okay Lisa, here goes. Just know I won't put my weight as one of the facts!

1. I was born in Minnesota, moved to Iowa when I was two and lived there until I was thirteen and we moved back to Minnesota.

2. I attended a little country Christian Day School from 1-8th grades.

3. I attended a small Lutheran High School and college.

4. I ended up working at that college for 18 years as the assistant registrar, and I loved my job.

5. The first time I saw my husband was in church when he and his parents and 7 brothers walked in together. We still attend that church!

6. Okay, I'll admit it. I'm old. 64 years old. I'm tall, at least five foot eight. And I'd love to take off about forty pounds. Easier said than done!

7. Been married for 43, almost 44 years, to the same man.

8. We have seven kids. I came from a family of five kids, his mom gave birth to nine, all boys. We wanted a large family too, but the Lord said we could only have three. Then he blessed us with four more when we adopted a sibling group . So we have five boys and two girls. In age order they are: Kari, Kevin, Gail, Chuck, Chris, Lenny and Lance. I love them dearly.

9. And we have fifteen grandkids......nine boys and six girls. The boys are Aaron, Jacob, Joseph, Caleb, Adam, Justin, Benjamin, Nicolas and Samuel. The girls are Kjirsten, Katie, Courtney, Jaden, Madison and Anna. And I have one grandson in law, Katie's husband, Clayton.

10. My husband spent 20 years in the Air Force and we lived in Washington, Maine, California, Michigan, and North Dakota.

11. I love to travel. After retiring 2 years ago, my husband and I traveled for 20 months, living in a 5th wheel trailer. We just moved back home in January when my mom required some help. We did sell the big trailer, but bought a smaller one, and plan to travel some more. Just not full time as we did previously.

12. I have been to Italy. It was the trip of a lifetime. My husband gave me the money to travel with the art class from the college on a wonderful trip to Italy, accompanied by my best friend Lisa. Highlights were: Venice, Florence, Assisi, Pompeii and Rome. I'd go again in a minute!

13. We have driven the Alaska Highway two times. Our son Chris lives in the little town of Seldovia that can only be reached by plane or boat! I love Alaska!

14. One of the most beautiful places I've ever been is New Foundland. We traveled there last summer, and I fell in love with New Foundland and the peaceful, quiet, green countryside surrounded by ocean and even icebergs!

15. Other beautiful places I've visited include Glacier National Park, Montana, and the Rocky Mountains. I also think you can't beat our own Minnesota's North Shore along Lake Superior.

16. I like to take pictures, but don't have a good camera. Someday I'd like to do something with photography in some way, shape, or form.

17. I love to make quilts, and quilted table runners and wall hangings.

18. I love coffee. Good coffee. Made with fresh ground beans in a French press. Room for cream, please.

19. My father was a Lutheran pastor. He baptized me, confirmed me, and married me. He's been in heaven since 1982 and I miss him.

20. My mom joined him in heaven just last month. I miss her terribly.

21.. I am the oldest of five kids and have three sisters and one brother. I have always loved them so much, but since mom's death they have become even more precious to me.

22. I was hit in the head with a chunk of ice when I was in first grade and I spent two weeks in the hospital with a brain concussion. Ya, now you know what's wrong with me!

23. I love to read. I think my first favorites were the Little House books. Now my favorite author is Jon Hassler, a college professor from a Minnesota college who just recently died. The book I have read the most often, other than the Bible, is Gone with the Wind.

24. My favorite Christian singer is Fernando Ortega. I love singing hymns and was in choir for four years during high school and college.

25. When I was born I had four grandparents and four great grandparents. My mother's family originally came from Norway and my dad's family came from Germany.

26. I had two imaginary friends when I was little. They were named Deex and Moxim. Weird.

27. One more for good measure! A dream in the back of my mind for many years has been to hike the Appalachian Trail, all two thousand plus miles of it. But my back would hurt after sleeping on the ground every night for six months. And I can't stand to be dirty and sweaty. And I don't like hiking uphill and there are MOUNTAINS to climb on the trail, so I guess I won't do it. Bet I could lose those forty pounds, though!

And now you know the rest of the story! Not too exciting, is it. I guess our lives could be summed up in these words: God first, family second, then anything else. I love my life. I am proud of my kids, each one an individual, and each one so precious. I would give my life for any one them in a second. And, of course, great kids produce great grandkids, and mine are the very best there is. Also each one an individual, each one my favorite!


  1. Oh I loved it....I love getting to know people better and to see a little deeper side of them. We all have our own personal life, thanks for sharing a little piece of it with us. I think it is fun!

  2. I have a lot of things in common but I'm not a Lutheran (my husband was, he grew up near Valparaiso University!) and I'm not a good traveler.

    I get sick in the car, on planes, etc.

  3. Oh how fun to get to know you just a little bit better. God has indeed blessed you! So happy to hear you love your life :)

  4. I have a lot of things in common with you and yet a lot different,too. We have lived in a motorhome and traveled the U.S. for over 7 years now. We belong to a Christian group called SOWERS and work 3 weeks / month volunteering.. It has been a great life.. We also adopted 2 of our 4. Have 18 precious grandkids. Was a pastor... Have been to Alaska..Hawaii, Dominican Republic... Visit me on my blog. Right now we are working at Sandy Cove in the Chesapeake Bay area of Maryland..I a m about the same age and would love to lose 30#... Carole
