Wednesday, June 11, 2008


This morning was a tough one for mom. A nurse came in about nine, explained why it had to be done, and then shaved mom's head. She explained that the MRI had to have many little markers on the scalp so they could map the location of the tumor, and in order to make those little stick on markers stick, they had to shave her head. Then she asked mom if that would be okay. Mom's retort was: would it make any difference if I said it wasn't okay? She still has a little spunk left in her. We went to the oncology department this noon and those nice folks handed us a basket of hats/caps/scarves and said to take what we wanted. We picked out two; a soft cottony mint green and a silky blue floral one. Thanks much oncology.

Then we waited until about 1:30 for the MRI. It was a sedated test so mom couldn't eat beforehand. Why they have to make people go so long into the day without eating or drinking is not clear to me. Couldn't they do those people first? She did well, and was back around 2:30, not even realizing that she had been sedated.

The highlight of the day was the more than thirty minutes we spent in the hallway during the tornado warning. I heard the sirens howling and mentioned it to the nurse. She said they would announce over the intercom if there was a warning. She didn't finish her statement when the intercom blared a tornado warning. So we pulled mom's bed over to the doorway and spent the next half hour watching the TV set across the hall while the weather people explained the different cells and highlighted the locations where the tornado touched down.

We were safe. It rained, and the wind blew, but it was not a tornado. The news tonight is telling about a Boy Scout Camp in Iowa that wasn't as lucky as we were, as they are reporting 4 deaths.


  1. How scary was that with the bad weather? I'm glad ya'll were spared the tornado, sorry for the ones in Iowa though.
    Bless her heart, but I'm glad she did well going through the MRI, some people freak out those machines.
    Hang in there, I'm holding on to your hand every step of the way, and remember to take care of yourself too!

  2. Wow. Praying for you and your Momma. And this crazy weather!

  3. Still praying here, and especially today for the whole biopsy procedure. What a wonderful daughter you are, and how hard this must be on you and your siblings.
    Much love to you in Christ

  4. Goodness, you are going through so much, it just tears my heart up for you. I have been watching the news about the boy scout camp and just can not imagine how those parents are surviving. I agree with Robbin, please take care of yourself during all of this, you will be of no good to your mother if you don't. The storms are suppose to come again tonight so I will keep you posted. I really don't worry about them, but they keep me on my toes!
