Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Have you noticed that the things you learned when you were young are the things that stick with you and you remember forever? I had a teacher in grade school who required that we memorize poetry. To this day I break into The Song of Hiawatha at the sight of Lake Superior, or I can recite one of many other poems brought to mind by a sight or a sound.

Sitting in church on Sundays often finds me holding a closed hymnbook, yet singing every word. I went to a Christian Day School, and Fridays were hymn day. We learned many hymns, not just one verse, but often six or eight and they are with me to this day.

The thing that brought this to mind was last night when I was reading a devotion to my mom from a small devotion booklet, Portals of Prayer. (We used this devotion booklet when I was a child. It came once a quarter, and was dog eared by the time the three months were over. It was always on the window sill behind daddy's chair, close at hand for our family time following the supper meal. ) Last night I read one of the short devotions to my mom, and we said the Lord's Prayer. She may not know what she ate for supper, or who had visited that day, but every single word of the Lord's Prayer came through, loud and clear. She never sits down to a meal without asking the blessing and thanking the Lord for her food. Those things are engraved in stone in her mind. Other things are gone shortly after they enter.

What a blessing to have had parents who taught her God's Word, prayers, and hymns. Those are with her and will comfort her, even when all else fails.


  1. "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord"! It is amazing how prayers and songs become a part of the permanent memory, no matter what other memory loss may occur. I was always amazed when we would go Christmas caroling at the nursing homes with my Girl Scout troop, and most of the residents knew every Christmas carol, every verse and would enthusiastically sing along. It really warmed my heart! I spoke with my husband's grandma (a resident in one of the homes) one time before we began singing, and I watched her sing along with us. I went to talk with her again afterwards and she asked who I was. It didn't bother me, because I knew her heart was in the right place.

  2. If there was something to remember it would be The Lords Prayer. I find peace in that myself. This journey you are on, how do you do it? Is it just day by day? I don't know how the emotions stay in check, or do they? I hope you find strength from within. I am thinking of you.

  3. Lisa, Fortunately there are five of us kids so we do share. My brother lives two hours away, but he takes care of all the financial stuff, two sisters are still working, but they do weekends, and another sister and I do the other days. It's day by day for some stuff, but we are staying with her around the clock. And no, the emotions don't stay in check! I'm a wreck most of the time! Thanks for your caring thoughts. They are appreciated. ~marge~

  4. Train up a child in the way he should go and he won't depart from it. I can't tell you where that is, but I've heard it repeated often.

    We too learned some poetry in school, and the one that has stayed with me is 'The Road Not Taken' by Frost(I think). It has been my life's journey. I think it's wonderful you mom can still do the things that have meant so much in your life.
