Monday, May 26, 2008


Well, mom seems to be settling into the routine of her new home. I've not spent much time with her this weekend because I have a cold, stuffy nose, exploding head, and I'm sure I'm breathing out germs with each breath I expel. One of my sisters has the crud also, hers more in the throat and chest. And with a biopsy scheduled for mom in a couple of weeks, we just can't take the chance of getting her sick. So we talked from across the room, threw a kiss and an air hug. I know mom was lonesome, and would have liked us to stay longer, but we can't let her get sick.

But back to her routine. She is going down to the dining room for meals and yesterday went to the commons area for a snack, a piece of apple pie. The staff is wonderful, coming to mom's room to get her for each meal and reminding her of what she's to do next. A real sweetheart is a gal named Jessica, who has been getting most of mom's anxiety, as she is the one who comes in as we leave in the evening and helps mom get ready for bed. She is very kind and compassionate, and we really appreciate that she is so gentle with mom, taking over the tasks we had been doing, and treating her with such respect. Thank you Jessica! You are a gem.

There were a couple of events over the weekend that caused mom a little distress. It seems there was something about a resident, a cane, and a staff member that had mom thinking they were fighting. And my sisters ran into a woman in the hallway who was questioning whether they were for Hitler or against Hitler, and they had better watch out for him. I'm sure there are those kinds of moments once in awhile in the memory care unit, but the staff seems to be on top of things.

What are your plans for the holiday? Are you having a picnic or get together with family? with friends? We have nothing planned, but will call the kids in the area to see if we can do a last minute get together. We've not been able to make many plans recently, but some of the pressure is lifted now and we'll try to get some of the kids together. I need a grandkid fix!

But as you eat the ribs, burgers, brats, hot dogs and steaks off the grill, please do remember to give thanks for all of the men and women who have lost their lives protecting this great country. We owe those heroes a huge debt. Have a safe Memorial Day.


  1. I'm glad to hear that's it's going well with your mom's move. You must be a bit more relaxed as now your defense is down and BAM! you are sick. Isn't that the way it goes. I hope you are feeling better soon. See you in a few days!

  2. I read this last night and was just too tired to comment, sorry about that. I am relieved that your family has a trusted facility you can entrust your mother with. That must take a load off your shoulders and allows you to take a breath. Stay in touch, and I hope you have a peaceful week.
