Monday, May 12, 2008


Thanks for the prayers, comments and emails regarding my mom. You can't know how much I appreciate them, especially the prayers. My online friends are the best!

I spoke with the nurse at mom's doctor's office today, and asked for a referral to get a new MRI taken sooner than the one scheduled three weeks from now. I was at the clinic at the opening of the doors, talked to the nurse on duty, and stated quite clearly that we wanted a referral. After not hearing from them after three hours, I called back, and was told that her file was on the doctor's desk along with the information about my early morning visit. They called me back an hour later, we talked a bit, I restated my request for an MRI referral ASAP. The nurse called me back one more time with an appointment for this coming Friday at Abbott in Minneapolis. Thank goodness they listened to me this time, and we have an appointment. Now we pray mom can stay healthy so we can make the scheduled test, and that they will find something that we can fix. I will keep you updated.


  1. Good morning Sage. Yes, you can link to me, and I'm excited that you want to.

    You are right, not much love going on here in Arkansas in the 60's. We were still living that sheltered life, and thinking there's got to be more than this rural community. Glad we didn't find more. I'm now quite proud of my sheltered existence.

    I hope things calm in your life. I've also worried that I had about as much put on me as I could bear. Fortunately, there's always been a rainbow at the end.

  2. I'm so happy to hear you got the appt. You are such a good daughter!Your mother would be so proud of you.

  3. I think the not knowing is worse than any news we can get. But that comes from someone who has not had much experience with bad health issues of loved ones. I would hate having test after test and not knowing what is going on. So I hope you find some answers..soon. I admire your determination. Take care.
