This photo was taken a year ago today. We were parked in our RV at Tindall AFB in Panama City, Florida. Just down the dirt road from our campsite was this bayou where I spent numerous evenings with my camera, trying to capture the sunset, the mirrored image on the water, and the peace and quiet of the setting. I remember that weekend well. There were heavy rains and horrible tornados just north and south of us, and several deaths resulting from the terrible storms. It was also the weekend my computer screen crashed, and I purchased my current computer after losing my battle with the big store with the blue and yellow sign to fix the wounded one which was totally covered under their warrenty. (You think I'm still bitter? You bet I am!)
The scene today is quite a bit different. We are in Minnesota instead of Florida, which is a huge difference. There is snow, slush and mud on the ground instead of the green grass and white beach sand. We walked barefoot on the beach a year ago, while today we carefully stepped around muddy puddles half covering the icy surface below. The temperature today hit a high of 37 according to the evening news, while we were in shorts and covered with sunscreen last year.
There was also another huge difference. We were alone. I spent hours crying, so miserable I was with no kids or grand kids around. We attended a church, but all the people were strangers. We could walk through the stores or hike on the beach, but we didn't know anyone we saw. This weekend is so much different! I was able to take my mom and sister grocery shopping yesterday, and I had lunch with them and with another sister today. I ironed patches (again!) on a granddaughter's ripped jeans and returned them to her. I visited my daughter who is just six days out of surgery. I received hugs from several grandkids, and had two grandsons spend the night last night. We attended our home church today and visited with folks who have been friends for many, many years. I walked through a bookstore and met another long time friend, and I greeted a student from my former workplace.
Yes, the weather and the scenery may be very different than it was a year ago, but I am happy I am where I am today, among people I know and love. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
that's cool