Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Just a short post to bring you up to date on our travels. We spent last night in Amarillo, Texas. It was cold, like 14 degrees, which is cold when you are living in an RV. We turned on the under the RV heaters to keep the tanks i.e. water, gray water, and black water, from freezing. We turned on the furnace and the fireplace inside to heat it up. But still, during the night when Ernie got up around two, the water faucets did not work. Frozen water pipe. So he got dressed and went outside at two something in the morning and put our little portable heater in the compartment under the RV to help heat up the water pipe, but to no avail. It was still frozen this morning. So we heated some water up in a pan on the stove to wash up the best we could and took off to the north, hoping the water pipe would thaw.

Around noon we stopped and found the water was running freely, and there didn't seem to be any damage to the pipe, which is actually a plastic tube. We decided we didn't want to take a chance on the same thing happening tonight, and after all, we were heading north, so we stopped and had the RV winterized in Oklahoma City. We also took all the canned goods and anything that would freeze out of the cupboards and pantry, emptied the space under the sinks, and gathered up all the shampoo, lotions, and any other things that would freeze, and put them in laundry baskets and loaded them in the back seat of the truck.

We stopped at a motel just outside of Wichita and carried in four baskets full of stuff so it wouldn't freeze in the truck overnight. There is a gas station right across the parking lot from the motel, so I ran over there and bought chicken salad sandwiches and a bag of potato chips. Good supper. But we are inside, we're warmer than we were last night, and we have a wireless Internet connection. Life is good in Kansas, Toto!

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