I took a few videos, a bit grainy, but I think you can get the effect.
We had gone down at dinner time, armed with our coupons for "buy one get one free" buffets. Guess what? We discovered that the coupons were not valid on a holiday. So, Ernie and Dick, two men who each gave twenty years of their life to the service of our country, and one of the veterans that Veterans Day was to honor, could not use their free buffet coupon. Quite ironic I thought. We did eat at a buffet though, paying full price. I was not impressed. Of course my allergies prevented me from eating the shrimp and crab legs. Maybe if I had been able to pig out on those items I would have liked it better.
Had we stayed downtown until 2 AM we could have watched the implosion of the Frontier, the second casino to be built on the strip and the place where Elvis first performed in Vegas. We, however, being old folks, headed home about 9:30 and opted to watch the implosion on morning TV. Again and again and again! Seems they trade off showing the big bang and the OJ stuff. BORING!
Here are a few more pictures of the Fremont Street Experience, including one of the paintings made with spray paint.
That is so wrong! The least they could have done for the guys is give them and their dates a free meal, gosh. About 10 years ago I went to Vegas with some girlfriends and we stayed at the Plaza. I didn't get into the gambling either, but loved the lights and laying by the pool. The light show sure wasn't there then! Amazing what can be done.