Saturday, October 27, 2007


I've spent the day wallowing in self pity. I am lonesome for my kids and grandkids, my mom and my siblings. And my friends. I don't like heat and can't be out in the sun, so I am having a hard time adjusting to the 88 degrees and hot sunny days. I have really itchy skin and 12 % humidity doesn't agree with me much. Ernie went on a hike with the outdoor rec group, and he was gone from 7 am until 3 pm. Meanwhile, back at the RV, we had no water and no electricity for the whole day. I tried cleaning a cupboard but found some pictures to make me more lonely. I washed out some hand laundry, and had to put the clothes drying rack in my little kitchen because you aren't allowed to put that kind of junk outside the RV in this park. I talked to Kari, but couldn't call anyone else because my cell battery was low and I had no electricity to charge it. The wireless connection was down so I couldn't even be on my computer. Whine, whine, whine.

I am trying to get a handle on things and am going to make chicken and a salad for supper. My clothes are almost dry, so I can take the rack down, iron the shirts, and get that out of the way. The wireless connection is now working, so I read my mail and some blogs, and the electricity is back on so I can watch the news in a few minutes. Ernie had a great hike, and I may post a couple of his pictures.

And, we found a church to attend tomorrow morning, so things should start looking up! I hope so, as I don't like being such a grouch.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Marge-I just can't imagine you being a grouch! I'm glad you were able to get in touch with Kari...I bet she was able to make you feel a bit better. I hope today is a better day for you. I have to agree whole heartedly about the heat. I just can't stand it anymore. I love seeing the sunny days...but not the hot days that come with it. Keep taking your beautiful pictures. I love seeing them! You need to start selling those at craft shows along your routes for spending money!
