Thursday, September 13, 2007


Our time back home, just like the summer weather, is winding down, and it makes me sad. We will be gone two weeks from today, and again I will go through grandkid withdrawal. We do have quite a few activities coming up in these last two weeks, so we will keep busy. Tomorrow night I will help daughter Kari with the Pregnant Pause down at a local bar. This is the fun event where women are encouraged to avoid alcohol for the nine months of pregnancy and I've been in on the first two, so can't break my record now! There is a shower for my nephew (my godson) and his bride-to-be on Saturday next weekend and that will be a lot of fun. Then on Sunday we are having a big family birthday party for my mom on her 85th birthday and I have a few details to attend to before that day comes. I will have my camera so I can post some pictures of my beautiful mom. We have some stock up type of shopping to do, we both need haircuts, and next week is my annual physical (shucks, I meant to take off 35 pounds before then!) and we both have dentist appointments. I haven't seen my best friends from the college where I worked yet, so we need to make a date for dinner and girl talk soon! And I have two friends from back in college days who go to our home church here in town, and I want to get together with both of them for coffee and a gab fest. We need to see some family yet, including a grand daughter and Ernie's brothers and their families.

When we leave here, probably on September 27, we are again heading to Grand Forks to see our son and his wife and our youngest grandson, Sammy. From there it's west, across North Dakota to Theodore Roosevelt National Park, then into Montana with a stop at one of our favorite spots in the world, Glacier National Park. From there we will continue west to Washington, and then turn south, heading along highway 101 along the coast, ending in San Diego. We plan to spend the winter between San Diego, Las Vegas, and Tucson. We will be staying at military bases again, making use of their family campgrounds, one of our benefits from Ernie's 20 years in the Air Force. If anyone would like to get out of the cold weather this winter, we have room on the floor and the couch. Just don't come the second weekend in November or during Christmas when we will be back here in Minnesota, celebrating a wedding and Christmas with our family. If I can get home every couple of months, I can handle the grandkid withdrawal. It's the time between Christmas and May that gets really, really long for this grandma.

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