Friday, September 28, 2007


(Coming to you from the Urban Stampede in East Grand Forks, MN - a coffee shop with wireless)

This was the view last night out the back window of the RV. I could have spent a couple of weeks here, just sitting in the sun on the banks of the Mississippi, watching the clouds and birds, and occasionally reading my book. What a beautiful spot we found!

Then this morning there was heavy fog, and I found a couple of pretty shots by the calm, peaceful water.

Now we are in East Grand Forks, patiently waiting for tomorrow morning when we will pick up our youngest grandson, Sammy, and our son Lenny and his wife Connie, and go to breakfast and to a parade. Hopefully the weather will cooperate so we can spend the day outside with them and end with a cookout and campfire. Sunday we will attend the church where we were members for the seven plus years that we were stationed at the Grand Forks Air Force Base. I look forward to seeing many of our old friends.

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are beautiful! Say hi to Lenny and family from us! ~Kari
