Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Now who doesn't even take out her camera for a Labor Day picnic with 4 generations present? ME! I am so upset with myself as we had 7 of our 15 grandkids available for photos yesterday, and I neglected to take a single shot.

It was a very pleasant day. My mom, a sister, daughter Kari and family, son Chuck and family, and our second daughter's two boys were out for a picnic lunch. The little kids went for a walk with their dads, Adam and Caleb went exploring, and the rest of us visited in the shade of the awning on the RV. I think everyone ate their fill of hot dogs, salads, fruit, veggies, beans, cake and cookies. At least I know I had plenty! We had a very relaxing afternoon, and I hope we can do it again soon, and hopefully get a few more kids and grandkids there. And I will remember to take pictures the next time!

With the temps in the 90's, it is hard to believe that fall, my favorite season of the year, is just on the horizon, but a Labor Day picnic seems to bring the summer to a screeching halt. The grandkids either have already returned, or will return to school this week, and life will again become hectic with all the activities involved when the kids are in school. So I am happy and thankful that we took the time to get together and just enjoy each other before the fall activities begin.

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