Thursday, August 30, 2007


On Monday afternoon we took the RV to the dealer to get a repair, rented a car, took the truck to get a repair, and took off for "up North" to get the satellite internet reprogrammed. We drove, and drove, and drove, more than 550 miles in less than 24 hours, and did get the satellite dish reprogrammed. When we got back on Tuesday, it was too late to pick up the truck, so we went out to the RV dealer and slept in our RV in the dealer parking lot. Right by the railroad track. Fun.

Wednesday morning we left the RV dealer and went to pick up the truck, then turned in the car and went back to the dealer to pick up the RV. On the way back to the park, we noticed the truck wasn't acting right, so we dropped the RV off at the state park where our preferred spot was occupied, so we had to take another spot and took the truck back to the shop. They checked it over and decided they needed to create the same circumstances as when we noticed the problem, so they wanted to ride in the truck when it was pulling the RV. So back to pick up the RV and back to the truck shop. By then whatever had been messing up was now working and all seemed fine, so we went back to the state park. By then, the spot we like was open, so we were able to switch our site back to that spot. What a bunch of back and forth stuff!

But back to the title of this blog. On Tuesday evening as we were coming back into town, we saw a beautiful rainbow across the valley on the hilltop ending right on the steeple of the chapel at the college where Ernie and I used to work. I immediately recalled the following hymn verse as I thought of the saying that a treasure is located where the rainbow ends.

God's Word a treasure is to me,
Through sorrows night my sun shall be,
The shield of faith in battle.
The Father's hand hath written there
My title as His child and heir,
"The kingdom's thine forever."
That promise faileth never.

How Blest Are They Who Hear God's Word - J.N. Brun, 1745-1816
Hymn 586, verse 2, Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary (ELH)

God's Word. Much more precious than any treasure at the end of the rainbow!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, you two have a lot of patience! I'll bet that was a beautiful sight after a day like you had.
