Thursday, July 05, 2007


Once again we had to wait for our mail. It was ordered in plenty of time to arrive by Monday. However, because Canada Day fell on a Sunday, Monday was also a holiday, giving the Canadians a three day weekend. And because mail isn't delivered on Saturday, it was a three day holiday from mail too. On Tuesday we were all packed up except for the last minute things when Ernie saw the mailman drive right past the campground driveway. Okay, no mail that day either. So we decided to do a last day of sightseeing. I thought the dark purple iris made a lovely frame for the little cottage across the road. We also explored a beach of red sand on the northern shore of the island. Wednesday we were again ready to go when Ernie walked up to see about mail. When he returned carrying a packet of mail, we hooked up and took off in record time, heading to Wood Islands where we were to catch the ferry to Nova Scotia.

Waiting in line to board the ferry.

A pretty scene as we left the dock.

Stacks of lobster traps on the pier.

Another ferry in the NFL line, one that is newer and larger than the one that we are on.

Just as we were arriving in Nova Scotia, a rain cloud blocked out half of the pretty blue sky. The trip was a very pleasant 75 minutes, nice and smooth but a bit windy. We saw a couple of dolphins, but they were small ones, and didn't stick around very long. From here we head to a camp spot for the evening, and tomorrow plan to head to Sydney to make reservations on the ferry to New Foundland, which is a six hour trip!

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